ECFE is a program for every family with young children birth to kindergarten entry, offered by Moorhead Area Public Schools.
Jump Start for Threes is designed for students who will be age 3 by September 1st of the school year enrolling in. We offer age appropriate activities, curriculum and assessment. The cost is $93 per month. Financial assistance is available.
Moorhead Jump Start Preschool is designed for students who will be age 4 by September 1st of the current school year. Our Preschool offers age appropriate activities, curriculum and assessment. The cost is $185/month. Financial assistance is available.
Our Instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient and highly interactive. The Instructors create warm and supportive communities of learners. Visit our Online Instruction Center at:
Youth Enrichment Camps feature STEM, Music, and Fine Arts.
Battle Drones features an exciting combination of aerial acrobatics with an engineering design challenge that will teach students STEM concepts, teamwork, and how to skillfully fly a drone. In Battle Drones, teams of students will build robotic launchers designed to fling projectiles at their opponents’ drones. Students will be guided by experienced camp instructors in how to construct their launchers to maximize projectile speed and accuracy. The camp will culminate in an epic battle where students pilot their drones to safety by dodging opponent projectiles while using their own launchers to take down opponent drones. The best drone pilots and launchers will emerge victorious.
COR Robotics